I made a nest and an egg for my sound tree project.
I used flax strings and tree sticks to build a nest. Eggs are made by tored news papers.
These are still prototypes, so I made these parts for major the size and test some materials.
I ordered melexis hall effect sensor on liberium online. Hopefully it will arrive within a week or two weeks time. Until the arrival of new sensor, I can't test technical progress, so I decided I will make sound with Yoshie who is sound artist. I will see Yoshie tomorrow, so hopefully, I can make at least tree variation of the sounds until the arrival of my new sensors.
So, I need to create,
-three sets of
6 positive sound and 6 negative sound (For egg's sounds.)
-find a simmilar material of the nest (I bought the strings in Japan, but I haven't seen this material in London,, Maybe I can get it in cheap shops,)
-Be familiar with audrino
-think about the posission of the nests. and build the tree interface properly
And I should make progress for my dissertation!
1 comment:
Dear Sayuujin-san,
Discovering your blog I am interested in your projects. Especially now you are using Melexis sensors. In case you have any questions regarding the Hall Effect Sensor feel free to post it on our Forum (Knowledge Base) on www.melexis.com. Our engineers will support you via this way.
Good luck with your projects!
Best regards,
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