I was setting up CSS on my blogger space.
For a while, I haven't touched CSS, (Well, to be honest I was using dreamweaver CSS check box menu instead of typing on text editors.)
But I could achieve it easily rather than I expected. It is confusing in some parts. Because there are a lot of simmilar parts. But just I edited readymade CSS, for instance background colours and size of paddings. So it was all right.
Today, I was listening London based Japanese girls group Frank Chikens's 80s numbers.
Actually, I sometimes help their shows, for instance performing with them and shooting photos.
Yesterday, I visited the group's leader, Kazuko Hohki's house. So, just I bought their 80s album on iTunes store. I bought "the best of Frankchickens". I have known their songs (because Iwas on stages with them,,,,), but I haven't listen their albums for a while.
This album is briliant I should say! I can't believe I haven't listened their album ever. Just they got full of wits and humors. Also they are sampling a lot of japanese traditional sounds. Particularly, I really like their japanese sound samples. Because they are not beautiful sounds, but their sourses are more civil and unwashed figure. They really love something fun. Kazuko said that the origin of this group was singing karaoke with old traditional japanese songs, of course for joking,,,,!
Actually, I really love the creating process of Kazuko's show. Everytime, she invites new ideas during reharsals. These ideas are coming by accident everytime. When she grasps something funny, she put it immediately on the show. I like these flexible and open creative atmosphere.
I found that, these split is coming from her mother Yukiko.
Yukiko was an enegetic preacher of a japanese religion. And everytime She was cheerful, optimistic and optimistic. Just I could recognized that Kazuko inherited her creative gene.
You can see on the film,"The good wife in Tokyo" which is about Yukiko.
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0160328/Also I put Frankchickens's 80's movie
http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=cXZanbZ6PWsI am quite lucky to share my time with these great artists!!